
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Compare and contrast essay

In this essay I will compare and contrast emails and letters. They have similarities but , at the same time , they are very different. Emails are written only by people that have computers and Internet and they have to pay to obtain it. 
Unlike emails , letters are written by everybody because they only need a pen and a piece of paper. Another characteristics of letters is that they don't need a lot of money to be send.
However, both types of writing have similarities. 
Both have that people can communicate through them and can been in touch.
In my opinion I prefer emails because I like than more , I write fast and I send very easy. And it is sent by the computer faster and people read faster.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

The hero

  We read the story "The Hero" and then we had to write a text explaining the most important part of the story.

 In my opinion the part I choose was: 
He looked at that file on the man's desk. It seemed to contain , among other things , a manuscripts.
Captain Campbell , I believe. That's who you ' re after? I feel bound to tell you , I ' m afraid , that you ' re not the first.
He sat down abruptly , his eyes still fixed on the file.
What do you mean?
The man laid his hand on the file , almost affectionately.
Terrific fellow. I've become quite fond of him over the years.
But I'm afraid the whole things a fantasy. He was just a charming adventurer , with the gift of the gab,.
But the honors! He cried out. The D.S.O! The croix the guerre!
He invented them. He invented at least three - quarters of his life. It's a awful disappointment , I know. I felt it myself , when I first discovered.
If it's any comfort to you , I've come to see that he believed it all himself in the end , every imaginary , boastful word of it.  

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Compare and Contrast essay

In this essay I wiil compare and contrast learning English as a foreign language and learning Chinese as a foreign language. They have similarities that, at the same time, they have very different. Learning English as a foreign language is a language that we are used to because we can read it in the foods packages, on TVs programs and in video games.
Unlike Learning English as a foreign language, learning Chinese as a foreign language is more difficult because people are not used to this language. So It is a new culture for us. Another characteristic is that is more difficult to find a place that teaches Chinese language near your home, usually people have to travel to down town to learn it.
However, both types of languages have similarities. Both of them you have to study a lot to learn it very well. In both types you have to pass exam to go to another level in the language. Both types of languages are from another country and are important to our future.
In conclusion, I think both languages have their similarities and differences but if you want to lear them , you have to pay attention and study a lot.

The hero week 3

Page 137
1. What is Signora Cambpbell’s treasure?
2. What is the main character planning to do with Campbell’s autobiography?
3. What is it that the agent says they need to verify?
4. Is the French Embassy able to verify Campbell’s story?

Page 138
1. What information does he receive in the British Army Records Office?
2. What does the man mean when he says “I’m afraid that you’re not the first.”? (p. 138) 
3. “It’s an awful disappointment, I know.” (p.138) What is an awful disappointment?
4. Does this British man dislike Captain Campbell?
5. “All he knew is (…) that she must never know what he now knew. She and the island must keep their hero safe.” Why? And who is ‘she’?

1) Signora Campbell s treasure is her husband autobiography
2) He wants to do a movie
3) The agent says that he has to verify if the story is true.
4) The French Embassy cant help him because they have not record about Campbell in the war.

1) he receive a disappointed information because the British man tells him that Campbell was not in the war he was a lier.
2) I think he try to tell him that he is not the only man that is cheated about the story.
3) That Campbell was an ordinary man
4) No he doesn’t
5) Because he is the Hero of the Island and he has to be like this for the res of their life. She is Signora Campbell that is in love of her husband as a Hero.

The hero week 2

Page 135
1. Is Captain Campbell's grave tidy or untidy?
2. Explain the following phrase: "Below his knees lay not just a man, but a story." (p.135) 
3. Why is Signora Campbell not surprised to see him?
4. Is she young or old?
5. Who is Edward?
6. The 'hero' was awarded two medals. Why? What kind of hero was he?
7. Does Signora Campbell have Campbell's medals? Why?

Page 136
1. What does Signora Campbell give to the main character?
2. Does she trust him?
3. Does he like what she gives him? How do you know?
4. What is Campbell’s autobiography about?
5. Who wrote it?
6. Does Signora Campbell let the main character keep the autobiography for a longer period of time?

1) Captain campbell ' s grave was tidy.
2) He realese 's that the man burried there was not only a man because there was an important story about him.
3) Because a lot of people come to see campbell very often.
4) She is old.
5) Edward was Signora Campbell's husband.
6) The hero was because he helped british airmen who had balled out over occupied france to escape to England. The kind of hero he was very modest.
7) No , Because the hero was too modest to keep them.

1) She gave him a big faded folder tied up in pink lawyer's tape. His autobiography.
2) Yes 
3) Yes he likes because he couldn't stop reading it all night.
4) It is about his life and his participation in the wars.
5) The hero wrote it.
6) She allows him to keep the autobiography for a long time.

The hero

Read pages 133 and 134 and answer:
Page 133
1. Is the following statement true or false? Justify: "His plan was to return sooner."
2. Who said he would get sick of the island in weeks, that he would never write a book, and that he would be lonely?
3. What has he got used to?
4. Why has he travelled to the island?
5. Has he accomplished his goal?
6. Why does he decide to stay on the island?
7. Describe the two Mayors the island had.
8. What kind of narrator tells the story?

Page 134
1. Who was a hero?
2. Who is Captain Campbell?
3. Where does Campbell's widow live?
4. "It was a Tuesday, the day on which the weekly letter from his girlfriend usually lay waiting for him at the post office. He decided, with a mixture of relief and guilt, that he was in no hurry to collect it today, chiefly because, for the first time in months, he had something other, and more pressing, to do." What?

1) It is true because he said that he stayed on the island much longer than he intended to.
2) His mother and his girlfriend.
3) He has got used to srub covered hills , little port , the same cafes and the same battered boats came in and out.
4) He has travelled to the island because he wants to write a novel.
5) Not all his goal. He has done only half novel.
6) He decided to stay because he didn't want to arrive with half novel in seven months.
7) One Mayor was the Mayor of the little port who had won a Communist ticket , but who live with a Mercedes and a villa with a swimming pool and a new wife. The other Mayor was the English Mayor , he was a gentleman.
8) The narrator that tells the story is in 3rd person.

1) The hero was the military governor.
2) The captain campbell was a military protestant worrior.
3) He lives in the island in the port.
4) He has to visit the cementary where captain campbell was burried.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Someone Famous

Juan sebastian veron was born in La plata , Argentina 9 of march. His nickname is La brujita. He is a former football player of Estudiantes de la plata. His carrer includes ten years in european football. In Argentina he played three world cups 1998 , 2002 , 2010 and the Copa America 2007. He debuted in the first division of Estudiantes de la Plata in a match against Deportivo Mandiyu for the clausura tournament 1994 in Jorge Luis Hirschi stadium , but already had the professional background of playing a game of the Centenario world cup in 1993 with Rosario Central. After his time at Boca he was hired by Sampdoria of Italy , where he remainded until 1998 , when was incorporated by Parma fe , forming one of the best teams in those years with players like Fabio Cannavaro , Lilian thuran , Hernan Crespo , Eurieco Chiesa , fauntismo asprilla and Gianluigi Buffon. In this club , he won the Italian cup and the UEFA cup in 1999 , writing one of the best periods in the hystory of Parmeans team. I choose him because he is of Estudiantes and I love him very much.

Scrible Maps

Ahora nos toca a nosotros

Tu pintalabios se queda marcado en
el lobulo central del lado izquierdo de mi cerebro
sabia que no te olvidaria, 
así que fui y dejé que me volvieras loco.

La dulce manera de moverte, 
tu olor en cada uno de los sueños que sueño
supe cuando nos encontramos (colisionamos como trenes) 
que eres la que he decidido
que eres de mi misma clase (especie, como yo...)

Hey, alma gemela, no soy ese
Sr. señor, en la radio, estereo
la forma en que te mueves no es justa, sabes
Hey alma gemela, no quiero perderme 
ni una sola cosa que hagas esta noche. 

Justo a tiempo, me alegro tanto
de que tengas una mente de un solo carril (Ver)
Le diste dirección a mi vida,
un concurso de amor (de parejas), que no podemos negar.
Estoy tan obsesionado, 
mi corazon esta destinado a sacudir mi maltrecho pecho
yo creo en ti, como una virgen, eres la Virgen,
y siempre voy a querer volverte loca.

Hey, alma gemela, no soy ese
Sr. señor, en la radio, estereo
la forma en que te mueves no es justa, sabes
Hey alma gemela, no quiero perderme 
ni una sola cosa que hagas esta noche. 

De la forma en que bailas (Ver)
mirarte es la única droga que necesito
Tan gangster, yo soy tan macarra
tú eres la única con la que sueño.
Ves, al final puedo ser yo mismo
de hecho no hay nada que no pueda ser 
quiero que el mundo vea que estarás conmigo.

Hey, alma gemela, no soy ese
Sr. señor, en la radio, estereo
la forma en que te mueves no es justa, sabes
Hey alma gemela, no quiero perderme 
ni una sola cosa que hagas esta noche.

Me parece poética porque habla de un hermano del corazón.
El yo lírico en la primera estrofa indica que quería que vuelva pero no volvió y eso lo volvió loco.
La segunda estrofa indica que la primera que se conocieron ya había amor.
En la tercera estrofa habla del amor comparándolo con así no sea la mejor mujer no le importa que lo vea el mundo macarra es el hombre que se relaciona con prostitutas.
Y en La otra estrofa la compara con una virgen es como que se imagine esa mujer él está enamorado y obsesionado.
Los procedimientos de la connotación que se usan son metáforas.
Cuando la escuchamos sentimos emoción.
Y no me recuerda nada.
  Y acá les dejamos el video:
 Hecho por Julian y Nacho 

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Actualidad cientifica

                                                                Cáncer De Mama

Se trata de 1 cada 8 mujeres que les agarra cancer de mama en algun momento de su vida puede ser de los 50 o mas.

Nombre de la enfermedad: Cancer de mama
Noxa: Biologica
Grupo de riesgo: 1 de cada 8 personas
Tipo de enfermedad: Aguda
Secuelas: Si
Cuando te operan y te sacan la mama. Te tienen que poner una de silicona.

Aca les dejo el link de donde saque la informacion:

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Proceso Artístico Creativo


¿Que ven mis ojos?
-Técnica: Lápiz negro y valores liñeales

Mis ojo miran alrededor
-Dibujo a un compañero.
-Técnica: grafismos con fibras y micro-fibras y acuarelas.

Mis ojo reconocen el cuerpo
-Observo mis manos y busco su significado.
-Técnica: lápiz blanco sobre fondo negro.

Represento un significado elegido
-Técnica: mixta (collage tempera y lápiz de color).
-Uso de colores primarios a partir del reconocimiento las mano.

Que vieron mis ojos
-Observo diferentes paisajes de la Argentina en donde alla estado.

-Análisis formas, colores y texturas y las represento en un dibujo creando texturas visuales.
-Técnica: acuarela y collage.

Mon storyboard that

  À partir des contenus del annè, nous preparouns un brouillon pour, après, construire une BD avec STORYBOARD THAT.
Dans la BD, un personnage adulte se présente, il présente un copain on un copine at sa famille. Nous apliquons le vocabulaire de la famille, les proffesions, les salutations, l' âge.

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